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4/- of Peter Logan

for 4 lbs Con's





2/­- of shoemaker

for 2 lbs Con's






Ice taking again___





cold east wind

sleet at night fall__






8 Bush l peas

for pigs

to be soaked__



Mr s Taylor 1 lb

of Con's candles

1/- Ree d ____




put to bed of

a of son about 3½ o 'C__










18 bush ls

peas to Grd n __






2½ bush ls

peas in soak

from Gran -


Killed 4 W. lambs__


Oats to Horses


29½ bush ls from

Barnfeild S o side drain__

1½ bush ls

peas in soak

from Gran -


1½ bush ls peas

in soak from Gran -

Killed 2 W. lambs__


5 gl s beer

of Berry___






1½ bush ls

peas in soak from Gran -

W t of the

big pigs__





207 the sow

•  2½ bush, Peas

189 in soak from Gran - .

6| 1342| 224



3. Thursday. James about horses in morn - , then at dung-

heap, Mick not here, ­­­____ George about pigs &

mix food in morn - , then about sundries & clean up

drain by garden fence down old hill, saw some

wood in even g ______ Self about sundries____

4 Friday. James about horse in morn - , finish turn g

over dung-heap soon after dinner, then about

sundries & pile some boards, Mick not here, George

about pigs & mix food in morn - , about sundries &

finish drain down old hill by dinner, then saw wood__

Self fodder cattle morn - & even g , repair floor N o 2 cellar__

5 Saturday. James about horse in morn - , split some long pine

logs, heap up horse dung till 3 o 'C, then after wood

for Geo v rge till dark, Mick not here, George about

pigs &c, saw all sorts of wood________ Self fodder

cows in morn - , ^ at repairs about leg of dining table,

split both sorts of wood, do up horses & cattle_______

6 Sunday. M rs Greene & Anna dined with us yesterday____

Rob t here for some time in the morning________

7 Monday. James about horses morn - , & even g , thrash peas,

Mick not here George about pigs & saw wood___

Self about sundries & repair g old table____________

8 Tuesday. Ja v mes about horses in morn - , then draw wood

for himself, Mick split long pine junks in morn - ,

clean up peas till about 11 o 'C, then thrash peas, George

about pigs & sundries till about 9½ o 'C, then help clean up

peas & at sundries again_______ Self poorly all day,

fodder cattle in morn - , to the post, & do some repairs

in horse stable, do up horses & cattle______

9 Wednesday. James about horse in morn - , heap up horse dung

till dinner, then draw down 2 lead pea straw,

Mick thrash peas & help with straw____ George

about pigs &c, saw wood_____ Self fodder

cattle morn - & even g , grind ax, put bank on crotch___

10 Thursday. James about horses in morn - , finish heap up

horse dung by dinner, draw down a load pea-

-straw & clean up peas, Mick thrash peas till

dinner, help with straw & clean up_____

George about pigs, saw wood & about sundries___

Self fodder cattle in morn - , file old X-cut,

finish caulk porch & windows, do up horses & cattle___

11 Friday. James about horse in morn - , draw peas to Gran - ,

then draw wood for Ge v orge , Mick thrash oats,

Ge v orge about pigs &c in morn - , then at wood

for himself______ Self fodder cattle in morn - ,

at sundries till dinner, then file both hand saws,

& do up horses & cattle_____________

12 Saturday. James about horses in morn - , help catch lambs,

draw about ¾ cord of hard-wood from in front of

Barn at several trips on stone-cart, & about sundries

till dinner, then clean up oats & bring them down,

Mick thrash oats till about 2½ o 'C, then help clean up

&c______ George about pigs, sow wood & about sundries___

Self fodder cattle in morn - , butcher 4 young wethers,

split all sorts of wood, do up horses & cattle_________

13 Sunday. Self walk home with M rs Greene about

sunset, then back with the Misses Dyer's to Beechmont___

14 Monday. Jam v es about horses in morn - , then after boots for

his wife, George about pigs & water for wash g in

morn - , then clean out several stables, saw wood s ____

& about sundries_____ Self fodder Cows in morn -

walk to Rider's, kill 2 W. lambs, do up horses & cattle_____

15 Tuesday. James about horses, help butcher pigs, Fred

help at pigs, Payne help at pigs, George about

pigs &c in morn - , wash pork barrels & tubs, saw

wood, Rider butcher pigs____ Lay make

new rack for Poll' stall_____ Self look about__

16 Wednesday. James about horses in morn - , split some

long pine junks, then help carry up pork & weigh

it, salt & put it in cellar, George about pigs &c

in morn - , saw wood, help carry up pork & weigh

it, & about sundries____ Self fodder cattle morn - , &

even g , cut up the pork & cut up the head after dark___

17 Thursday. James about horses & pigs in morn - , then at

sundries & draw in 2 trips of dry pines till

dinner, then about 1 cord hardwood from Barns,

saw soft-wood, do up horses, pigs &c__ Geo v rge at home______

Self to Edward's after breakfast, hoop old beef barrel & about sundries____

Benn v ing 17½ lbs lamb__

Geo v rge 1/3-

1/3 of T_Baskin for 1½b. lime

Do___ to order of


T_ Allen 350 f t bd s 24/-

& 250 f t bd s @ 3/-

George 30 lb s pork &

1 lb tea - for ration rations__

James 1 lb tea - for do __ &

½ gl - s v alt to be charge d __

lt r from Con - p d __


George 60 lbs flour

for rations











James 25 lbs beef

for rations



Ja v mes £ 1 " 5 " __

P d taxes to

California Armstrong

for Self £ 6 " 6 " 9

for Charles £ 1 " 7 " 11½


Mrs Taylor p d the 6 d

she owed us for candles


lent Benning

£3 " __ " __ to pay his



Robt 57 f t bd s @4/-




James 60 lbs flour for rations_













M rs Monahan 11 d

for spinning ¾ lb


Mick £ 1 " 3 " 9

being bal ce of wages

for ½ month




lt r from Ham, p d


Lent Payne

20lbs flour__

Ge v orge 50 lbs flour.





lt r to Con - pre p d


Pay v ne 1 ax & handle 5/7½



George 1 lb of

Con - s candles__







1/4 of M rs Sweeney

for 8 candles of Con's