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1 doz handkerchiefs @ 13/9

½ .. p r ..cottonhose @ 27/-

6 yds white shirt g .. @1/4-

2 pieces do cord @1 d ..-

20 yds factory @ ¼-

12 .. .. @1/3-



at Bates-

2gls..H.W. @5/3-

1 gl..vinegar 1/6-

15 lbs Crush d .. A @ 8 d ..

1 .. blue. d ..ginger 1/3

1..whole do-1/6

at Jenning's

1 lb salts 6 d ..

1 box Seidlitz 1/3-

A [b el ..] Dalby's 2/9

½ oz blue pill 4 d ..

1 g l .. paint oil 6/3-

Eau-de-col 2/-





lent Hammy 1/3




Took 6 bush.. oats &

2½ bush.. peas from

Gran.. & ground it

for Poultry.




On the 6 th .. ins t ..

of E.B. Eddy $ 132-35

bal ce.. of act. on

bass-wood logs &

boom timber_



Left $84 of it with

Charley to put

in the Bank.






2 bush.. oats to





Drew off 9½ or

10 g ls .. oil - not

certain which ___



















Borrowed of

W m .. Berry

1¼ lbs red lead_








124 stukes Scotch

from Woodfeild

S+o .. end__




A wet day.












AUGUST 1864.

4. Thursday. James not here; Tooly finish weed carrots

by dinner, rig up an old scythe & mow weeds

&e in new land; Hogan at home; Griffin weed carrots

& help fix a new stick on Buck's horns till dinner, then mow

weeds &e in new land; George about sundries & wash

buggy till dinner, then weed garden ___Self look about

till near 11 o' C, put a new stick on Buck by dinner, then about sundries

5Friday. James not at work; Tooly & Griffin mow

weeds &e in new land; Hogan at home;

George at sundries in garden & about house __

Self & Constance

6Saturday. James at home till breakfast, then about stumps;

Tooly & Griffin dig & shop round about do;

Hogan at home; George at sundries in garden

about house___ Hammy rode up yesterday A.M..

7Sunday. Church P.M. Self & Constance left at 9¼ o' C


8Monday. James, Tooly, Hogan grubing about stumps;

Griffin at stumps in morn.., bring up the

water for washing & to Bessborough forge

for 18 rivets &e, then to Aylmer ; George at

sundries in garden & about house till dinner,

then help Self put rivets in horse-cart wheels__

Hammy & horse went home by the steamer_

9Tuesday. James, Tooly & Hogan at stumps in morn..,

Transplant g .. turnips till dinner, at stumps

again, Griffin at home; George about house in

morn.., carry oats & peas from gran.. to Mill & help

in Mill till 11 o' C, at sundries till dinner, then

help Self at axle & wheels of horse-cart_______

10Wednesday. James not here, Tooly & Hogan at stumps;

Griffin at home; George about cows, pigs &e in

morn.., help fit axle to wheels wash it & at

sundries till dinner, then help rivet ox-cart wheel ___

Self measure lumber, at work about horse-cart axle &e __

11Thursday. James not here; Tooly & Hogan dig & chop stumps;

Griffin at home; George about sundires in morn..,

at funeral & at home till about 3 o' C, pull up oeas & about sundries_

Self do some painting, file soft-wood saw ____

12Friday. James at home till breakfast, then at stumps; Tooly & Hogan

at stumps, Griffin at home; George about sundries__

13Saturday. James, Tooly & Hogan at stumps; Griffin back

by the Boat, did no work; George at sundries in

garden & about house___Self paint g .. new horse-cart__

14Sunday. Church A.M. Self & Kate took tea at Berry 's__

15Monday. James dig & chop about stumps in morn..

then draw' em together with oxen; Tooly,

Hogan & Griffin grub out stumps in morn..,

then pile ' em; George at sundries in garden __

Self paint g .. horse_cart, draw off some coal-oil__

16Tuesday. James, Hogan & Griffin pile stumps in morn..,

weed turnips for about 1½ hours, then bind &e wheat;

Tooly dring & up cradle in morn.., then cradle do ___

George weed g .. in garden & about sundries ____

17Wednesday. James, Hogan & Griffin bind &st wheat;

Tooly cradle wheat; George weed g .. in garden

& about sundries__Self about meat-[see]

18Thursday. James & Griffin bind &e wheat till dinner,

then at oats; Hogan do _ do _ till dinner, then home;

Tooly cradle wheat till dinner, then oats, & bind

for a start in even g ..; George weed g .. in garden

& about sundries ____Self at meat-s

19Friday. James & Griffin weed turnips in morn.., then

bind & strike oats; Tooly cradle oats & bind for

a start; Hogan came some time after

breakfast, bind &e oats; George about sundries

in garden & about house ___ Self to Berry 's in

morn. for red lead, paint part of new horse-cart__

20Saturday. James & Hogan pile lumber for Church _

_year in morn.., do_stumps till 11 o' C, bind oats

till dinner, then house wheat; Tooly cardle

oats breakfast, then went home; griffin weed turnips

in morn.., pile stumps & bind oats till dinner, then

at sundries & began new line for Creek; George at sundries

in garden & about house ___ Self to Barry's in morn..

for more red lead, paint g .. cart till dinner, then at sundries__

21Sunday. M r .Butler not in__Maurice Major here from York state with horse & buggy


Miss Butler

½ doz handkerchiefs 6/10½

½ doz pr.. cotton hose 13/6-

M rs .. Mae -

20 yds factory @ ¼

10 .. .. @ 1/3½

Tooly 2 yds .. @ do-


Exp d .. in Ottawa .

Geo-Hay^a bal cs .. __..2..4

Durie [babie's] book __..4..6

Reset g ..3 wheels &e.. __..10..__

Crosby 12 p r .. coppertop __..8..__

Do 1 pr. do - __..3..9

Workman 20 nails __..4..2

Workman iron tacks __..1..6

Do_ 4 oz do do @2 d __.._..8

Do_ 1 lb Horsenails __..1..3

Do_A 2 inch chisel __..3..__

Do_ a hand-saw __..8..9

Tongue & 65f t ..8wire @ 2/9 __..5..__

½ lb sweeties 19..6 lemons 1/3 __..2..1

O.Martic as act.. Mary. 1..5..__

Road tolls 11..Bridge 4 d .. __..1..3


Geo.. a pr. boots 12/6. £4..1..3




Griffin £2..__..7½


James 100 lbs flour.

Do_ 1 g l .. molassas 2/6


W m .. Berry_

656ft.. of 2 inch pl k .._

210 ft.. of inch boards.

4 Scant 3X4 & 15ft.. 6 long

3 do_ .. 12 f t long_


James 67f t .. @4/-





TOoly ½ lb tobacco







Tooly 4½ lbs wool

& Cash of __



George ½ lb tobacco_



George 100 lbs flour_












George 1 lb candles.

Hogan 15/-


Maria Read

19/10 for 28 lbs of

butter @ 8½ d ..___



James ½ lb tea_


Alice 12 lbs soap_

settles for__







Tool ½ lb tobacco.

@ cash 5/-

Griffin ½ lb tobacco.

& Cash 10/-


George £1..__