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Y ng .. wh t .. sow

of little pigs_






22 bush.. Scotch

to mill__







N o 2

a dead lamb.









Put away

double windows_










N o 3 twins_


N o 4 a lamb_











N o 5 twins.


N o 6 a lamb.









1 lamb died,

A twin_









N o 7 twins.


APRIL 1865.

15Saturday. James work sawmill & pile lumber for a while in

afternoon; Tom about horses in morn.., draw dry pine

logs till dinner, cart a load earth to dam, cart wheat to

mill, draw 1 load hay to Horses, then about sundries;

Tooley about horses in morn.., fall dry pine till dinner,

then home with flour &e in horse-cart; George about

cattle &e, help clean & measure up wheat & about sundries;

Griffin at sundries in morn.., clean up wheat, help down

with hay & about sundries_____ Self repair roof of shed

in clothes_yard, stow away wheat & about sundries_____

16Sunday. Church P.M.


17Monday. James work sawmill & cart a load or two of earth

to dam in afternoon; Tom & Tooley about horses

in morn.., chop soft wood & make 3 saw logs____

Griffin not well; George about cattle &e, boil

2 pots of cups saw wood, help help at dane & about sundries__

Self rig up 3 boxes for plants & attend bestry meeting

till dinner, file large x-cut, take it to the men in the

woods back of West_field, explore for Holme's pasts_

18Tuesday. James sawing till about 11½ o 'C, at sundries till

dinner, help in with a gang of logs, help down

with 2 loads oat straw & 1 load wheat straw; Tom &

Tooley about horses in morn.., chop soft_wood;

Griffin at sundries in morn.., cart up slabs & to Rob ts ..

for pea_s till dinner, draw logs to mill &

draw straw; George about cattle &e, saw wood & at sundries__

Self about sundries till 11½ o 'C, then at repairs in sawmill__

19Wednesday. James help at repairs in lower flume & pile

lumber; Tom about horses in morn.., draw

wood for himself; Tooley about horses in morn..,

chop & x-cut soft_wood; Griffin saw wood

in morn.., spread old chips in rear of George's

& at sundries till dinner, then help x-cut soft_wood;

George about cattle &e, saw wood & at sundries__

Self repairg.. lower flume

20Thursday. James pile lumber in morn.., then saw away

Tom & Tooley about horses in morn.., x-cut soft_

_wood & make 2 sawlogs; Griffin saw wood in

morn.., repair some of Barnfield fence, draw

a small load hay to Horses & wash their covers by

dinner, then draw in sawlogs; George about

cattle &e, help with fence & hay, saw wood & about

sundries___ Self poorly all day; finish repairs

at foot of saw_gate soon after breakfast, look about

till dinner, make a half door for Hamnett's

hen_house & about sundries____

21Friday. James sawing & help at repairs about the rib

Tom & Tooley about horses in morn.., made 3 logs &

cut a road to Pem, came home, ground axes & at

sundries till dinner, then x-cut & split soft_wood;

Griffin about cattle &e, kill the calf & at sundries

till dinner, boil 2 piots tatoes, mix'em & about

sundries; George at home_____ Self about sun_

_dries till 11 o 'C, at repairs in sawmill till 4½ o 'C, at do_again_

22Saturday. James work sawmill; Tom about horses in

morn.., clean up some of the drains in Creekfield &

cut a little soft_wood by dinner, carry up water

from river, draw a load hay to Horse_loft, repair some

fence, cart earth to mill_dam; Tooley some as

Tom till dinner, then rig up & began to plough

grass_land back of George's; Griffin about

cattle &e, saw wood & about sundries till dinner,

help carry up water from river, help down with

hay, put up some of the fence viz-a-viz Jame's, help

with earth to dam, do up the things;

George at home_____ Self see to lambs till 9 o 'C,

then to the forge with Poll & cart till dinner,

then start a plough & about sundries



James 1 bush.. Blues.


Tooley 100 lbs flour

& 10.. pork.


George 100lbs flour



Mary O'Hara 15/_


$7 of George for

winter g .. cow & calf_

He left $1 in my lands

to take care of_










Tom 1 bush.. Blues


George 1 do_Rusties,


Lt r .. from Miss Machon



Tooley ½ lb tobacco_





James 10/_











Lt r .. from Brough

& Co_ prepaid_


Rob t .. 149ft.. @4/_

18 .. @ 5/_


a scant g .. 5x4 &

ft.. long


Tom ½ lb tobacco_



James 1 bush.. Blues.


Tom 8½ lbs pork.













work by Power

54 harrow teeth

sharpened 4/_

2 removes on Poll.



George ½ lb tea.