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N o 9 a ewe lamb.

1 st thrash g

6½ bush: peas to mill –

4 bush: Snows
to pigs_

George 1 lb tea
for rations.

15 lbs pork_



M rs Mac: went home

Ellen came in even g _

4 bushls
Rusties to pigs_

22 bush: prov d
to Ottawa
one ¼ peas_
at Bates_

5 lbs green tea @ 2/6_

20 “ moist sugar @ 6½ d


12 yds coat bind g @ 2 d

¼ lb wh t thread @ 3/9

¼ “ blk do @do_

2 [????] needles @3 d

George 30 lbs flour. bal ce of rations_

8 bush ls Peach

Blossoms to Pigs_










8 bush: Peaches
to pigs__



Put up to fat

4 big hogs_

1 do_ sow_



5 gls beer.






Ellen off.

Mary came in even g


8 bush ls Rusties
to pigs__






N o 10
a W. lamb_


7 Saturday. James thrash wheat till about noon, then clean up peas & wheat; Tom & Jackson take out tatoes; Tooley thrash peas till about noon, help clean up peas & wheat; Griffin kill a lamb in morn:, then at tatoes; George about cows &e, boil
2 pots of tatoes & about sundries;_____ Self out back___

8 Sunday. Church A.M.

9 Monday. James at home; Tom, Tooley & Jackson take out tatoes; Griffin at sundries till 9 o'C, then at tatoes; George about cows &e, sweep hall & dining room chimneys, wash buggy & about sundries__ Self to Rob ts in buggy, put up the pipes in hall, mend harness, get prov d &e ready for Ottawa;

10 Tuesday. James at home; Tom at tatoes till about 10 o'C, then to Rob ts for a horse, load up & off to Ottawa; Tooley, N.G. Jackson & Griffin at tatoes; George about cows J.W.
&e, boil 2 pots of tatoes & about sundries___ Magee &
Self to Ottawa in buggy____ Skinner

11 Wednesday. James at home; Tom returned a little Do_
before 7 o'C; Tooley, Jackson & Griffin taking Do_
out tatoes; George about cows &e, bring in Do_
apples & about sundries______ at Peacock's
Self returned about 6½ o'C_____ Bang's

12 Thursday. James at home; Tooley take out tatoes 3 ax
with shovel in morn: then rig out horses
& plough 16 or 18 drills, then shove & pick ‘em;
tom, Jackson, Griffin & Moran at tatoes;
George about cows &e, put away the prov d ,
& flour, shake the bags, saw wood & about sundries__
Self rig up tatoe steamer & both the mix g boxes__

13 Friday. James at home; Tooley plough & hoe tatoes; Tom & Moran cart down a load pea-straw; take out
tatoes with hoes; Jackson at tatoes in morn:, help
X-cut 4 or 5 junks dry pine, at do_ again;
Griffin at tatoes ill in morn:, help X-cut dry pine,
split & saw it, fill tatoe steamer, wheel earth
on to strawberry bed & about sundries; George
about cows &e in morn:, nail down carpets in
dining room, mix pigs food & about sundries___
Self see to things & repair a pig trough by dinner,
then in puting new bottom to oven of cook-stove
broke the top, took it up to Power in buggy___

14 Saturday. James at home; Tom & Jackson at tatoes
in morn:, carry up two trips water
from river, X-cut several junks dry pine,
at tatoes again; Tooley & Moran at tatoes
in morn:, help put up the big pigs, at tatoes again;
Griffin at tatoes in morn:, do_ do_ do_, at do_ do_,
till ¼ 5 o'C, then about sundries; George about cows
&e, steam & mix tatoes, saw wood & about sundries__
Self fasten down pig-trough in morn:, fasten up
the pigs, put a log in bridge on road to work-shop,
to Rob ts & Berry's in buggy till dinner, then to Power's
for top of oven, clean up-stairs pipe & fix it again__

15 Sunday. Church P.M. Self walked to J.H.P s farm, then
a-X to Edward's & home to 2 o'C dinner______

16 Monday. James at home; Tom & Jackson help fill 4 bags
tatoes & X-cut dry pine in morn:, then at tatoes;
Tooley at tatoes; Griffin at tatoes in morn:, help up
with river water & one trip pond water, take cows
up to feild, at tatoes again; George about pigs &e,
steam & mix tatoes, saw wood & about sundries___
Self poke about & wedge up axes, clean draw g room pipes_

17 Tuesday. James at home; Tom, Tooley, Jackson at tatoes; Moran at tatoes; Griffin kill a lamb in morn:,
then at tatoes; George about pigs &e, finish
nail g down carpet in dining room, saw
wood & at sundries about flower garden___
Self at sundries in morn:, writing a letter
till dinner, grind hand-axe & side a stick for tongue of cart_

Jackson ½ bush:

James 20 lbs flour.

Phil p Orcherd 1/3
for repair g pump.

p d S. Sissons $8 –“
for a ram lamb.

George ½ lb tobacco _

Tom ½ “ “ __

Do_ cash 7/6

Do ½ herrings 12/6

Exp d in Ottawa_

Brough & Co on ac t 10.. –..–

Robinson as do 1.. –..3

Hunton as do 3..7..10

Russell as do –..17..8
castor-oil –..1..3

2 lbs log-wood –..–..6

½ “ olium –..–..1½

2 oz copperas –..–..1
a felt hat –..6..3
a do_ do_ –..15.. –
handles –..1..6

Tolls –..2..1½

Con: & Ham tt –..3..9

£ 16..16..4
rec d of Charley $124 in t

Griffin 4 yds flannel @2/9

Geo: 20 lbs flour__

Do_ 1 bt l herring 12/6

Jackson 14 lbs fish@4 d

Do_ 3½ yds shirt g @1/4

Do_ 1 “ factory 1/–

Do_ 1 bush: Peach

M rs Mac: 1 lb candles

& Cash 1/3___

Griffin ½ tobacco__






Work by Power
top of oven repaired

10 rivets in it_

2 links of halter
chain welded__


Tooley 25 lbs flour.


Rec d premium
money $5–15





Jackson ½ tobacco.


James 50 lbs flour_






Kate sent 2/6

To Con

lt r to Robinson
of the tea pot
post paid.