Page 078

Total Old Pigfield Scotch

wheat N o side 22 bush ls ..




12 ½ bush ls

Old Pigfield

Scotch wheat




Mixed the above

with about 6 bush ls

Bl k Sea & ground

about half of it__



George for rations.

30lbs flour__



White sow

to the boar___








on old ewe__


11 bush ls Horses

18 do 3 d .. bin N o side.

for seed.




Dark sow

with boar___


of Berry

5 g ls __


3 W. lambs__






the 2 pigs I bought

of Payne___



3 W. lambs__


George for rations

17lbs beef.



W ht of Paynes

pigs 253 lbs.

234 do.


W ht of 4 lambs

54 lbs

53 do

57 do

57 do


George for rations

30 lbs flour.


20 bushls Horses.



Total Oats

from Barnfield

N o side drain.

130 bush ls




24 bush ls

scotch wheat

from 16 Acre





1.Wednesday. James about horses in morn.., clean up creek

severed yards into woods, Muldoon & Tayler

thrash wheat, clean & put it in Mill, Griffin about pigs

& poultry in morn.., help clean up creek, George

fodder cattle&e, attend fat cows & about house___

Lay renew part of floor at kitch door_Self to

Benning's in train for the sledge & on to Smith's for parcels from Ottawa__

2Thursday. James to the interior, Muldoon about horses in

morn.., help mix wheat, help free water_wheel & gates,

help shift 3 or 4 bags tatoes from cellar to Kitch.. then thrash

wheat, Tayler thrash bats, Griffin about pigs &

poultry, steam tatoes & mix 'em, remove some

tatoes for pigs, repair a leak in dam, refill

steam box, George fodder cattle, attend fat cows,

help in Gristmill & about sundries____ Self mix

wheat, free water_wheel & gates & grind till noon , then at sundries___

3Friday. James not back, Muldoon about horses in morn..,

thrash wheat & help down with a load out straw till

dinner, help remove cups from Old Cellar to N o 2 & 3_

Tayler thrash oats, Griffin about pigs & poultry,

steam tatoes, mix 'em, & draw down a load straw

help remove Cups from Old Cellar to No 2 & 3, and

at sundries___ George about cattle &e, help shift Cups

Self to Berry 's twice about boar, rig up the 2 nd tin in N 2

4Saturday. James no work, Muldoon about horses in morn,

at sundries a while & clean up oats till noon ,

then saw wood & at sundries, Tayler not here___

Griffin about pigs & poultry, shift 4 bags tatoes.

from cellar for do, butcher an old Ewe & at sundries on the 6 th

till dinner, mix pigs food & refill steam box__

George fodder cattle, attend fat Cows, at sundries

& clean up oats till noon , saw wood & at do____

Self mak g .. a tatoes bin in N o 3 till dinner, then

measure up oats, took down dark sow, brought wh t one back___

5Sunday. Church P.M. Miss Butcher went home Friday even g ..__

6Monday. James about horses in morn, at sundries for a

while, help in Gristmill till 1 ½ o 'C, at sundries again

& to Berry 's for the Sow&e, Muldoon thrash g . wheat___

Griffin about pigs & poultry, steam tatoes, kill 3 lambs,

mix pigs food___ George fodder cattle, attend fat Cows,

to the brewery for yeast & about sundries___

Self look about & work Gristmill till 1 ½ o 'C, then at sundries__

7Tuesday. James about horses in morn, at sundries for a start,

help butcher pigs till dinner, clean oats 2 nd time,

put 'em in gran.. take Mr Greene home in train, do up

horses, Muldoon saw hardwood in morn.. help

with pigs & at sundries till dinner, then help with oats__

Griffin about pigs & poultry in morn.., butcher 2 pigs

& 3 lambs, George fodder cattle, attend fat cows,

feed pigs at noon & night & about sundries___ Self

cut lambs up, rig up ash barrel, lime lamb skins___

8Wednesday. James about horses in morn.. draw 2 loads

wheat straw to Cow loft, turn over horse dung

till dinner, at sundries & draw down 1 load out straw,

Muldoon thrash wheat & help draw down straw,

Tayler came at noon , thrash oats___Griffin about

pigs & poultry, help cut up pigs till dinner,

shaft 4 bags tatoes from cellar for do & fill steam box___

George fodder cattle &e, stow away the straw, salt pork.

Self out up pork, cut lambs into quarters____

9Thursday. James about horses in morn.., finish turn

over horse dung & at sundries till dinner,

then clean up oats, Muldoon at home about

wood, Tayler thrash oats till noon , at sundries

till dinner, then help clean up oats, Griffin

about pigs & poultry, steam & mix tatoes,

about sundries & do up cattle &e at night___

George fodder cattle in morn.., then off home___

Self to Rob ts in train after breakfast put

2 new hoops on ham tub by dinner, take pump

to pieces, to Rob ts again after dark______

10Friday. James about horses in morn.., clean up wheat & put

it in Mill, pile 2 inch pile, Muldoon sundries in

morn.., help clean up wheat & pile plank, Tayler draw

down oats & c1 load oat straw in morn.. then thrash peas___

Griffin about pigs & poultry, shift 3 bags tatoes from Cellar

for pigs, shift snows to N o 3 & about sundries____

George fodder cattle &e, help remove tatoes & at sundries



M rs Mac a pr boots

for Jane 8/_


George ½ lb tea.

for rations

from Ottawa by

M r Smith_

16lbs hoop iron @3 d is 4/_

a box citron outment _/7½



James 5/_ & 20/_ by order

on A. Hopper__


John Major 209 ft .. of

1 ½ mch p lk @

Muldoon 50 lbs flour_


then at sundries__


P d .. W m Berry for the

iron band he got bade

for me 1/3_


Miss Butler £1..5.._







John Major on act.. of

boards & plank.





Yeast 3 d .. paid_


John Baskin 169 f t ..

of inch boards @4/_ ..6/10






Tayler £1..3..1½

& 100 lbs flour 12/6


Lay ½ lb tobacco.



Miss Butler 2/6_


W m Slack p d .. me 7 ½ d for a

Self 12 inch board for some man




James 100 lbs flour

Pd T hs Armstrong

the faces £6..1..10½


W m Slack 41f t of

inch boards _1/8.

John Baskin a latch.

Griffin ½ lb tobacco.

Tayler 1lb tobacco.









M rs Mae ½ lb wool 8 d ..

& 2 lbs wool 21/_2/_



James ½ bush l .. peas

Muldoon 1 do do__

Tayler ½ bush l .. oats.

George ½ do do

½ lb tea Bal ce

for rations__