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Mixd.. & ground

for fat g .. cows

9 bush ls toll Prov d ..

with 10 ½ bush ls oats.


Total 19 ½

Mix d & ground

for oxen 10 bush oats

with 3 ¼ do peas

Total 13 ¼

1 ½ bush ls peas

from gran.. for Pigs.














glenny cow_

W ht of beef





George for

rations 11lbs beef

Killed cow I

bought of Rob t

the 4 quarters

wigh d 565 lbs








James 26 lbs beef

bal ce of rations









1 ½ bush ls peas

from gran for pigs.








stowed away thus

4 ½ bush ls in Mill.

1 ½ do for pigs.

23 ½ do in Gran..

29 ½









No & weight

of hides__

1 st East on lame

white face cow.46lbs

Glenny cow. 70lbs

Robts do. 64 do

the heifer that

died last spring 22 do

202 @


1 calf skin 1/3

1 do do 2/6

1$ sheep do & 7 ½ d


20 ½ bush.. Scotch

wheat from

16 Acre_field_


1 ½ bush peas in

soak for fat.. pigs.




11.Saturday. James about horses in morn.., at sundries &

help in Gristmill till noon .., then about pigs&e,

help fix waste gate for the winter, pile 2 inch pl k , do

up things, Muldoon sow wood in morn.., then

draw wood for George, Tayler thrash peas till

about 4 o 'C, then help pile pl k , bring in wood & water,

Griffin about pigs & poultry in morn.., then to

Aylmer , George fodder cattle & about

house in morn.., then at wood for himself______

Self mix prov d .. & work Gristmill till noon ,

then at sundries & lay up mills for the winter__

12Sunday. M r Butler & 2 nd daughter dined with us yesterday,

Miss Butler went home in the even g .. not well__

13Monday. James about horses in morn.., then at wood for

himself, Muldoon saw wood in morn.., at sun_

_dries for a start, thrash peas till near night, help do

up things, Griffin not here, George about cattle, pigs,

& poultry, saw softwood & about sundries_____

Self at sundries & refill ash barrel by dinner, at

do again & file soft_wood saw_____

14Tuesday. James about horses in morn.., help butcher cow,

draw a load hay to Cow_loft & 1 load soft_wood from

old yard, Muldoon saw hard_wood in morn..,

help with cow, & hay, bring in water & wood, Griffin .

not here, George about cattle, pigs & poultry, sow

soft wood & at sundries____ Self butcher cow__

15Wednesday. James about horses in morn.., draw down the

4 quarters of beef on ax_sleigh, help butcher cow

till dinner, help out up & salt beef, at sundries,

Muldoon saw hardwood in morn.., help butcher

till dinner, wash out barn, saw hardwood & at

sundries, Griffin not here, George about cattle,

pigs & poultry, saw soft_wood & at sundries___

Self butcher cow till dinner, cut up fore quar_

_ters of Gleny Cow_

16Thursday. James about horses in morn.., help out up & salt

beef till dinner, remove old timber from under

sawmill, tighten up slabs, clear away logs at Mill

landing & about sundries, Muldoon saw wood &

finish saw & weigh beef in morn.., thrash wheat

till dinner, then at sundries, Griffin not here__

George about cattle, pigs & poultry, saw soft_wood,

to the post & about sundries____ Self help saw &

weigh beef in morn.., cut it up by noon , then at sundries.

17Friday. James about horses in morn.., help burn lampers

in all 3 horses, then quarry several yards of

drain close to woods N o side creek, Muldoon

thrashg.. wheat, Griffin about pigs & saw wood

in morn.., then help quarry the drain, George

fodder cattle &e, saw wood, pull wool of skins,

& at sundries____ Self putting pump in order___

18Saturday. James about horses in morn.., at sundries &

clean up peas by dinner, then measure & stow

'em away, draw old gran.. stove down from

Muldoon's to Old Kitch.., Muldoon thrash g ..

wheat, Griffin about cattle, pigs & poultry,

help with peas &e, do up do, do, do _____

George at home_____ Self fixing pump__

19Sunday. Church P.M. Mary went out with Miss Butler to

the parsonage to stop for a few days_________

20Monday. James about horses in morn.., help weigh hides & load

'em on sleigh till 10 ½ o 'C, then clean & measure up

wheat, then draw down straw, Muldoon to Rob ts

plit wood till 10 ½ o 'C, then help with wheat & straw,

Griffin about pigs, poultry & river water in morn..,

help weigh hides, saw wood, wash 8 tatoe bags___

George fodder cattle, help up with river water & to the

foot in morn.., then about sundries & saw wood__

Self took hides to M c Mertree's in outer, went on to

Wainman's, called at M r Butler's___

21Tuesday. James about horses in morn..,

wash & oil waggon harness & about sundries___

Muldoon split wood in morn.., put wheat in

mill, draw 2 loads hay to Cow_loft, draw down 2 loads

pea_straw & some hardwood, Griffin about pigs &

poultry, boil a pot water to soak peas, help down

with hay, straw & wood___ George fodder cattle &e,

saw wood & at sundries___



sheep to winter

22 old ewes__

2 do rams

1 lamb do

5 ewe lambs, the

30 1 st kept of $20


Griffin $4_..

$2 of it from the


from Ottawa by Robt..

raisins & cunnount's 4/4

credit him with it__




Tayler ½ lb tea.


George 50lbs flour.


John Baskin

200f t inch boards_

47f t .. clap do_ _

9f t 2 inch pl k

Muldoon ½ lb tea_


John Glen 231f t of

1 ½ inch pl k __ 347f t ..

of inch bds is. 14/_

& 75 ft inch bds. 3/_


Joe Smith 13f t

of 1 ½ inch= 20 f t

of inch boards & 150f t

of do do is 7/_







James ½ lb tea.

George ½ lb tobacco

& 6f t of 1 ½ inch pl k


John Major 82f t

of 1 ½ inch pl k == 123f t

inch boards &

165f t inch do__

Henry Edward.

625ft between

boards & pl k 25/_

James 1 peak salt

Muldoon 50lbs


Ltr from Ottawa

regist rd & p d ..









5/_ of R_Glen

for 165ft.. bds.. @3/_


George 50lbs flour.


Griffin 5/_


£3..11..10 ½ of David

M c Mertree for


Pd Wainman 3/_

for 4 removes on

Spring to day &

2 the 25 th Nov.






Miss Butler $5

in notes & do



p d .. Rob t for cow £7..10.._

by check on bank_ George ½ lb tea

& ½ lb candles.


James 50lbs flour.


from Ottawa by Rob t

25lbs oat_meal

credit him with it_