Page 191

5 gl s beer_






1½ bush ls .. peas

to Pigs_












bled Doll

in morn..__








4 yearling ewes under &

over right ear, also a

2 ye ar old by mistake_

Turned out

4 year old Lay_

2 yearlings___




N o .. 25 twins.






2 bush.. oats to





























1½ bush ls peas

to Pigs_










total wool from

30 washed sheep

140 lbs__







5 gl s .. beer_

JUNE 1862.

1. Sunday. Church P.M. Self to the forge yesterday

evening for 2 removes on Major_

2.Monday. James at sundries in morn.., wash sheep & at sundries

till 3 o 'C, then to the forge for 1 new shoe & 1 remove on

Muldoon & Peter at sundries in morn.., wash sheep

& repair slash fence back of Woodfield by dinner,

then clean up drain back of the fonner's house___

Griffin at sundries in morn.., catch & dog shep, then

draw fence logs to N o .. side of 12 Acrefield, George about

cows &e, help catch sheep & at sundries in garden____

3Tuesday. James at sundries in morn.., help scatter sods in

Creekfield till dinner, then repair fence N o .. side

12 Acrefield, Muldoon scatter sods till dinner, then

draw logs to No.. side line, Peter to Aylmer ,

Griffin scatter sods till dinner, repair fence No..

side 12 Acrefield, George about cows &e, at

sundries in garden, help in Gristmill for 2 or 3

hours in even g ..__ Self rode to Rob ts .. corner to

look at a horse & repair stable floor by dinner, then

see to the fence & work Gristmill_______

4Wednesday. James & Muldoon making pickets till dinner,

then put on some top bucks & some logs­___

Peter at home, Griffin sheer 30 sheep___ George about

cows &e, help catch the sheep, saw wood & at sundries__

5Thursday. James & Griffin repair g .. N o .. side line fence__

Muldoon at fence in morn.. draw logs till

dinner, then put on top bunks, Peter at fence__

George about cows &e, snag tatoes & at sundries___

6Friday. James & Muldoon at No.. side line fence till

near noon, then making pickets & bunks for fence

in rear of workshop, Peter at fence in morn.., then

cart earth to level up road at near end of stone

bridge, Griffin sheering sheep at Bessborough, George

about cows &e, snagging tatoes & at sundries______

7Saturday. James wig & sort do, Muldoon wig & sort

tatoes till 4 o 'C, then make crotch, Peter

clear away chips from opposite back door in morn..,

then cart grass on it, Griffin returned

about 9 o 'C, then to Aylmer , George about cows &e,

sort & wig tatoes & at sundries____ Self repair

pump till dinner, then little or nothing____

8Sunday. Church A.M. Self, Kate & baby drove out to

the Parsonage in the afternoon___________

9Monday. James & Peter pile boards in morn.., then mend g ..

bridge on lake road, Muldoon at crotch

in morn.., then do_ do, Griffin back by the

boat, but no work, George about cows &e, at

sundries in garden,____ Self to the forge for

3 removes on Doll , got back at 1½ o 'C, to dinner_

10Tuesday. James & Peter at sundries in morn.. then

repair g .. Lake_road bridges, Muldoon at

crotch in morn.., do_ do, Griffin sheer the

unwashed ewe in morn.., then off to do_ at

Beechmont, George about cows &e, weeding in

garden_______ Self road to Rob ts .. in even g ..__

11Wednesday. James & Peter x-cut & split old oak log in

morn.., then at 2 nd .. bridge on Lake_road

Muldoon & Griffin at sundries in morn..,

then repair g .. 2 nd .. bridge on Lake_road

George at sundries in garden, carry 2 bags of

wool to Berry 's wharf & about cows &e____

Self to Aylmer by steamer, got back again

with James A'Hearn in Rob ts .. boat_____

12Thursday. James at sundries in morn.., bring 2 loads

of sand from A. L. Smith's & at sundries till

dinner, then underbrush back of Creekfield,

Muldoon & Peter clean up drain in corner of

12 Acre_field in morn.., then repair road to

Rob ts .. corner, Griffin at sundries till dinner,

then at under_brushing____ George at sundries__

13Friday. James at do_ do_, Muldoon & Peter grind g ..

axes till 9½ o 'C, then do_, Griffin at under brushing__

George at sundries in garden & plant caulie flowers in even g ..

14Saturday. James Muldoon & Peter at under_brushing__

Griffin at Wilson's, George about cows

&e, at sundries in garden____ Self out

the line till 3 o 'C, dinner, had Hammett with me

then to John Streets & M rs .. Bridges on horse back____

Ellen _/6.

Miss Butler £5.._.._


Griffin ½ lb tobacco.


Spring & 1 re m .. Doll.


Peter 10/_







Muldoon 50 lbs flour


$10_.. more of

M rs .. Shuster

on the 11 th ..

for more wool

is 33 ¼ lbs @1/6 sent





George ½ lb tobacco




of M rs .. Mae

3lbs butter_@



George 100lbs flour.


Griffin 5/_







M rs .. Benn

381 ft .. @4/_ Old Stock.

146 ft .. do_ new do_

527 ft .. inch boards.

48 ft .. @5/_ Old stock.

357 ft .. oak do_ do_

3 scant g . 2x3 new do_






George 1lbs wool.

Mrs.. Shuter

53 ½ lbs wool @ 1/6

for the $16 she gave

me on the 21 st ..Jun.



James 100lbs flour_

£5.._.._ of Nick l .

Headley on act..

of timber cut

on N o .. 8

James 10lbs wool_

Mrs.. Shuter

6lbs 11oz wool @ 1/6

for Griffin 's act..__



Expd.. in Aylmer

steamer... /7½

dinner. 1/3

a straw hat.. 2/4½

Peter 4½ lbs wool @ 1/6_


of Mrs.. Mae

3 lbs butter @


15/_ of the Al_

_monte man

for 10lbs wool_

Muldoon 5 ¼ lbs do_

Do_ 3 plugs tobac..


Peter ½ lb tobacco_