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2 bush l .. oats to Poultry

on the

16 th .._


at Bate's

2 gl s .. coal oil @3/6

10lbs tobacco @3/_

20lbs sugar @ 6 d ..

12 do. do_ @ 8½ d ..

2lbs whiting @ 1½ d ..



at Jenning's

worm candy

& lozenges 1/_ .

Young sow


Heavy rain

with a little thunder

about 4 o 'C,__


1½ bush l ..

peas to pigs.




Poll to Th os ..

Morgan's horse

insured for 15/_





A lamb died

leaves 24





Geo.. 1lb

tea for rations.



M Bate's

1 yr.. molasses Geo..

10oz black g .. 2/3

5lbs tea @ 2/9.


at Brough's

½ yd.. Moulin




2 bush ls .. oats to




Pink with

the bull_





Springs hatter

repeat Toppler's

1½ bushls..

peas to Pigs__

Geo.. for


60lbs flour_


James for rations

60lbs flour_

30lbs pork_

1lb tea_


rain g .. al_

most all


George for rations

30lbs pork_





5gl s .. beer @ 1/3_




A pr.. slippers repair ½

at Ramsay's__






Fred with

the bull__

JUNE 1862.

15.Sunday. Church P.M. Alice 2 doz spools 1/3_

Mrs.. Mae.. a cloth cap 1/10½

16.Monday. James at underbrush g .. in morn.., help rise mill_

stone, grind picks till noon, at clearing again_

Muldoon at underbrush g .. Peter at do_ till dinner

take the colts to M r .. Bach, then at do_ again Griffin

about house in morn.. at underbrush g .. till about

16 o 'C, then about house again, George ill___

Murphy dressing the stones______

17Tuesday. James, Muldoon, Peter, Griffin at underbrush g ..

George about cows &e, & at sundries in garden___

Self to Ottawa , Anne Edwards with me___

18Wednesday. James, Muldoon, Peter, Griffin under_brush g .._

George about cows &e,__ Murphy at stones

yesterday & to day___ Self returned about 4 o 'C,

set down Miss Edwards at Allen's turn______

19Thursday. James, Muldoon, Peter, Griffin underbrushing__

George about cows &e, stub wood___ Murphy at

the stones______ Self to Th s .. Morgan's after dinner_______

20Friday. James, Muldoon, Peter, Griffin at underbrushing_

George about cows &e, saw wood & at sundries___

Murphy at mill_stones____ Self to Morgan's

stoped at the forge for 2 removes on Poll , got

back to dinner, measure lumber & about sundries__

21Saturday. James, Peter, Griffin at underbrushin g ..

Muldoon underbrushing in morn..

to Morgan's with Poll till noon, at underbrushing

again, George about cows &e, at sundries in garden__

Murphy at little or nothing till 10 o 'C, then off to the boat_

Self take g .. out spindle &e, make new boxes for it___

22Sunday. Church A.M. E llen went h ome,

Cam e & d id the w eek on Tue sday ___

23Monday. James Muldoon, Peter at underbrushing,

Griffin to Aylmer , George about cows &

at sundries in garden____ Self to Ottawa ,

took Hammett with me________.

24Tuesday. James, Muldoon, Peter finish the chopping

by 5 o 'C, then weed tatoes with hoe, Griffin

not here, George about house & at sundries____

Self & Hammett retuned about 5 o 'C,____

25Wednesday. James, Muldoon, Peter draining new

cleaning, Griffin not back, George about

cows &e, hoeing tatoes______

26Thursday. James clean up new drain till noon, help

rig up stones &e, & help grind, Muldoon, Peter

finish clean up the new drain by dinner, then

clean up the creek, Griffin back by the boat

did nothing, George about house &e, hoe g tatoes__

Murphy up by the boat, help get in the spindle &

nearly lay down the stone by 11½ o 'C, then off by the boat__

Self put g .. in spindle &e, till 4 o 'C, till 4 o 'C, then grind___

27Friday. James to Aylmer , Muldoon & Peter clean

up creek, Griffin no work, George at

sundries in garden & about house____

28Saturday. James clean drain up lake_road till dinner,

then began a do_ in Woodfield, Muldoon &

Peter clean g .. up drain that runs back of das house,

Griffin do_ do_ do in morn.., help mark out

drain in Woofield till dinner, then began to

make it, Georeg at sundries in garden hoe__

Self picket off drain in Woodfield, then repairs after__

29Sunday. Church P.M. Jane off at night Ellen here next morn.._

30Monday. James, Muldoon, Peter, Griffin at drain in Wood_

_field, George about actors &e, hoe corn_

July 1862.

1Tuesday. James scuffle tatoes, Muldoon to Aylmer ,

Peter & Griffin weed g .. tatoes, George at sundries

in garden____ Self salt road cattle & to Brewery

till dinner, then took Kate, Baby & horace to H. Streets__

2Wednesday. James scuffle tatoes, Muldoon, Peter

Griffin weedg.. do_ , George at sundries in

garden till dinner, pull wild mustard out

Bl k .. Sea in 12 Acre field_ Self rig up the new grindstone_

3Thursday. James finish scuffle tatoes by dinner, then

weed with hoe, Muldoon, Peter, Griffin weed g ..

tatoes do_ do_, George at sundries in garden

hill a roaster, weed wild mustard_____ Self file

both hand saws, put g .. new steps to Gran.._____

Miss Butler $10_.

5/_ of Griffin_

Arthur Read

454 ft .. @4/_ Old stock_

646 ft .. @ do_ new do_

1100 ft.. @4/_ £2..4.._


Muldoon 1lb tea_

Expen d .. in Ottawa_


Charley for English affairs 3..2..6

afford 2 pr.. copper too 3/9 _..7..6

2 little straw hats. _..1.._

4 lemons.. _.._..7

glass for Mary's watch _..1..3

Tolls 10 d .. Ham's man 1 /3 _..2..1

3 lbs butter good weight

Griffin ½ lb tobacco.

George 15ft.. @3/_

John Street_

250ft.. @3/_ old stock.

750 ft.. @3/_ new do_


_500ft.. @4/_ do_ do_

George 50lbs flour_

James 1lb tobacco__

Murphy 10/_

Muldoon 1g l .. salt_

Griffin lbs wool @1/_


Settled with C.T. Bate & Co. .

up to 15 th .. April as act.. by

a cheque for $74_11

Exp d .. in Ottawa_

N.S. Blas del_ _ _ _ _..16..3

at Christies boots Hammer _..5..6

8 yds print 8/8 silk 2 nd .. _..8..10

A long iron spoon _.._..9

horse hoing _..2..6

Tolls .. _.._..10

£ 1..14..8












10/_ for pattern of gate.


Robt.. 1366ft.. @3/_

Returned Peter 50lbs flour.

Murphy $6-25


of Mrs.. Mae. 3½ lbs butter

Muldoon 1lb tobacco_

Peter £1..10.._

James £2.._.._

Muldoon 50lbs flour.

Robt.. 768ft.. @3/_

Pd.. Mrs.. Mae bal ce of her act..

£ 1..1.._½ X

Peter ½ lb tobacco_



Rec d .. of Anna 3/2

for a pr.. slippers I

brought up on the 24 th ..











Muldoon $6_..

James ½ bush.. salt.





Griffin ½ lb tobacco

Fred the old grind_

_stone crotch 2/6


Robt.. 500 two inch pl k ..

Old Stock_

of M rs .. Mae..

2½ lbs butter @6 d .._