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Sowed very nearly

6 bush ls oats on
about 2 Acres in






Sowed nearly

6½ bush ls oats
on the other

2 Acres in Woodfeild____


A ewe died






Cut lambs_

8 ewes

4 W

3 rams.



George 60 lbs flour
includ g the 5 lbs
owes; the other
day; for rations.

2 ½ bush ls
to Poultry __

George 1 lb tea
for rations -

Sowed 8¼ bush ls
oats on grass-land.


7 bush: oats
to Horses___






Sowed nearly

5 bushls oats on

N o side Creekfeild__



James for rations

30 lbs pork_

1 lb tea_






Mary-Anne back
this morn:



George for rations

30 lbs pork__


A nice shower
after dark__


MAY 1863.

21. Thursday. James saw in morn:, finish plant tatoes above road soon after breakfast, fix up drills for carrots till dinner; saw again till 5 o'C, then sow carrots; Muldoon

about horses in morn:, plough grassland; Toolie about horses in morn:, finish open g drills in Old Pigfeild by 11 o'C, sow carrots till dinner, then plough for oats in Woodfeild; Griffin & Tayler draw logs to mill in morn:, then cart stones in Woodfeild__ George at home ill___ Self help sow carrots______

22 Friday. James saw in morn:, fill up stump holes in Wood-feild till dinner, plant his tatoes, help repair gate at George's for a start, then saw again; Muldoon about horses in morn:, plough grassland; Toolie about horses in morn:, harrow oats in Woodfeild, finish plough there by 5½ o'C, then began N o side Creekfeild; Tayler sundries in morn:, help cart stones in Woodfeild; Griffin sow oats, then cart stones; George about cows &e, kill a roaster & about sundries__ Ham up to see M rs Smith___

23 Saturday. James saw in morn:, repair slash fence back of Creekfeild & pick up stones in 12 Acre-feild till
4 o'C, saw again; Muldoon finish plough grassland
in 16 Acre-feild; Toolie about horses in morn:, sow some oats, harrow oats & grass-seed; Griffin sow
grass-seed & some oats, cut & plant his tatoes & at sundries; Tayler at sundries in morn:, help repair slash fence, & pick stones; George about cows &e, kill a roaster, do some work in garden, help skin the sheep___ Self sow g grass-seed from breakfast till near noon,
skin the sheep, finish sowg the carrots_______

24 Sunday. Church A.M.

25 Monday. James saw till about 9 o'C, then help repair a leak; Muldoon about horses in morn:, harrow
the grass land for oats 2 double tins; Toolie about
horses in morn:, roll oats & grass-seed in
Woodfeild by noon, pick stones in Old Pigfeild till
about 5 o'C, help at dam; Griffin help cut lambs &
at sundries in morn:, cut up some sods & pile some
stones in Woodfeild & help dig out back in dam till
noon, then to Aylmer; Mary-Anne with him____
Tayler clean g out pig-yard in morn:, pile
stones in Old Pigfeild till 5 o'C, then help at dam__
George about cows &e, sow 2 rows small beans, sort
the cups & about sundries____ Self repair dam___

26 Tuesday. James cart earth to dam, & cart stones out of
12 Acre-feild by3 o'C, then pick up do_ So side Old Pigfeild; Muldoon about horses in morn:, harrow
oats in 16 Acre-feild by noon, plough No side
Creekfeild; Tolie sow oats & do_ " "
do__ ; till dinner, finish clean up pig-yard by
3 o'C, then roll oats in grassland; Griffin at
home; Tayler dig 2 corners of do_ do_ in morn:,
help cart stones & pick up stones; George about cows
&e, kill a roaster, turn over tatoes in cellar & carry out earth_________

27 Wednesday. James plant a strip tatoes to separate Bl t Sea & oats in morn:, finish pick & cart stones off S o side Old Pigfeild; Muldoon about horses in morn:, finish plough N o side Creekfeild by 10 o'C, harrow in oats & make a small crotch; Toolie help at strip of tatoes in morn:, help cart stones, sow oats & grass seed____ Griffin at home; George about cows &e, at sundries in garden__

28 Thursday. Jams saw in morn:, cart stones in Creekfeild; Muldoon about horses & sundries in morn:, help at stones_ Toolie pile lumber in morn:, roll oats & grind axes till near noon, then at stumps in Creekfeild; Griffin at home__ George about cows &e,___ Self to the forge in buggy afternoon____

29 Friday. James work sawmill in morn:, help wash sheep & cart stones; Muldoon about horses & at sundries in morn:, wash sheep, & cart stones; Toolie pile lumber in morn:, wash sheep & at stumps; Griffin sleep till noon, sow oats for Rob t __ George at sundries till dinner, help in Gristmill___

30 Saturday. James at stumps; Muldoon at stumps till about 4 o'C, then plough; Toolie at stumps; Griffin ill;
George about cows &e, kill a roaster, make a
hen coup out of an old box & about sundries_____
Self about sundries till dinner; then to the forge____

31 Sunday. Church P.M.


Tayler 25 lbs flour.

& ½ lb tobacco_



Toolie ½ lb tobacco_

Tho s Collins

2 lbs cut nails___





James 2½ bush: tatoes.


George 3 bush: do_


Muldoon 2 do_ do_





James ½ lb tobacco_

Griffin2 bush: tatoes.


Muldoon 1 lb tea_


Thos Collins

200 f t @3/ - is 6/-

24 f t @4/- is


Griffin ½ lb tobacco.


Toolie 10/-




G. Payne ½ bush l wheat.


Griffin £2.. __ .. __


Mary-Anne __ ..10..6
gave her 7½ to pay
the boat___





1/3 of Joe Smith for

32 f t inch boards he got latter end of winter__


12/6 of Joe Smith
for 2 bush: Bl k Sea .


Tayler 3 bush ls tatoes

& 25 lbs flour.



George ½ lb tobacco.


Muldoon 1 lb do_


Do_ 25 lbs flour.


P d ____ Archer 4/6
for as follows_
repair a plough rod 1/ -
do_ a do_ point 1/-
do_ a do_ do_ 1/6

2 removes Spring 1/-







P d _____ Archer for
steelimg 1 pomt &
heading 1 bolt 3/-


Toolie 100 lbs flour_


Muldoon 1 bush: Cups.