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kept 1 little pig on the young white
sow_ cut it,
but not its tail__

A few showers,
one pretty heavy__



5 gls beer.
kept 3 of the
Dark sow's little
pigs, cut 'em __

M r Smith
lent me his
canister of
blasting powder, it
wanted 2½ inches of being full__ & about 2 yds of fune __


Poll foaled
yesterday morn:__

& N o 18
a lamb__








4 bush ls oats
to Horses__


2 bush ls oats to



























Rec d 9/- of Rob t
for as follows_

4/6 for the tatoes_

3/6 for Tom's oats_

8/- & on act

1/- Griffin ½ day mow g oats_


JUNE 1863.

1. Monday. James at sundries in morn:, at stumps till
dinner, then work sawmill; Muldoon about
horses & sundries in morn:, harrow tatoes by dinner, then plough in Creekfeild; Toolie at home; Griffin
at sundries in morn:, then at stumps; Tayler at
" " " " , then " do; George about
cows &e, kill a roaster, stick peas, & plant

2 Tuesday. James dig & chop stumps till dinner, then split some with wedges; Muldoon about horses & sundries in morn:, plough till 10 o'C, to the brewery & Rob ts till dinner, then make a lot of wedges, draw stumps; Toolie at home; Griffin help blast stumps; Tayler
dig & chop round stumps; George weeding garden___

3 Wednesday. James draw do_ together till dinner,
then dig & chop do_; Muldoon about horses
in morn:, help pile do_ till dinner, then plough;; Toolie, Tayler & Griffin about stumps; George
about cows &e, weeding garden & about sundries____

4 Thursday. James draw logs to mill in morn:, draw stumps & cart roots till dinner, cart stones till near 5 o'C,
then saw; Muldoon about horses & help with logs
to mill in morn: pile stumps till noon, then
out back; Griffin fill up stump-holes till near 5 o'C, then cart stones; Toolie at stumps till dinner, then
plough; Tayler at stumps till diner, cart stones__ George about cows &e, weed g garden & at sundries__

5 Friday. James dig out stones in morn:, draw stones with chain & at sundries till dinner, then help X-cut for shingles; Muldoon out back; Toolie about horses in morn:, plough for a start, split up big junks in shed till dinner, plough again; Griffin at stones & wash horse covers till dinner, pile lumber & fix up foal's legs till 5 o'C, cut road to shingle blocks___ Tom Barnes began at noon to make do_ horse & X-cut do_ George about cows &e, saw wood & about sundries__ Self at sundries till dinner, fix up foal's legs, file handsaws__

6 Saturday. James saw in morn:, X-cut shingle stuff till dinner, saw till 6 o'C, then to the woods with horse-cart for a load blocks; Muldoon cart tones & earth to saw-mill yard till near 6 o'C, then harrow men's tatoes; Toolie about horses & sundries in morn:, cut out a road to shingle tree till noon, then help saw & split__ Griffin ill; Barn's at shingle-horse in morn:, then X-cut & split; George about cows &e, snag tatoes, wash buggy & about sundries_____ Self to the forge & back to 3½ o'C dinner, took Bessy out, measure lumber & weigh oats__

7 Sunday. Church A.M. Self rode to Streets in even g __

8 Monday. James about horses & saw a few cuts in sawmill in morn;, then pile hardwood; Muldoon back at noon, began to make a crotch; Toolie about
sundries in morn:, pile hardwood; Griffin
at do_ in do_, to the woods with oxen
for crotch & at sundries till dinner, then
pile hardwood; George ill till noon, then
weed in garden, finish snag tatoes & at sundries.

9 Tuesday. James & Toolie at sundries in morn:, then
pile hardwood; Muldoon at crotch in morn:,
do_ do_ till noon, then out to his farm___
Griffin shear 20 sheep by about then off
to Wilson's; George about cows &e, help catch
the sheep, saw wood, weed in garden_____ Self to Michael Cain's about a girl till 1 o;C, then measure lumber, see to the wool, to Berry's in buggy__

10 Wednesday. James work sawmill, cart 2 load stones & draw a few fence logs out of Creekfeild, grind
an ax & chop logs in new choping; Muldoon out
back; Toolie about horses & to Rob ts for ax in morn:, help load the stones, then plough; Griffin at Wilson's. George about cows &e, weed g garden & at sundries__ Self to the forge at 9 ½ o'C, got back to 5½ o'C dinner

11 Thursday. James draw big stones with skin & crotch till 11 o'C, then take Rob ts ox home; help pile soft-wood; Muldoon help at stones, pile soft-wood, grind ax___ Toolie at stones, finish plough fallow & at sundries; Griffin at do , help finish pile soft-wood, help
grind ax; George about cows &e, weed g garden & at sundries_____



Fred Baskin 2
little pigs; one to
be exchanged, the
other he into give
me $1 for__

George 100 lbs flour.


James 100 lbs do_

borrowed of Rob t
some blasting powder

½ lb including the

Eliza Scollon

$6 __ 75 balance of
wages for 2 months @$3 __ 50 took her
receipt for the sam e.

Tayler ½ lb tobacco.

A.L. Smith

150 f t @6/-


James 15/-


Tayler 2 bush: oats.



W m Monk

507 f t inch boards.



John Baskin

500 f t @4/- is $4 __..

5 bush ls oats 3/- 3 __..
took his $7 __..
note for it__


At Aucherd's
2 rmoves Major 1/-
repair a shoe 1/-




Muldoon 1 q t salt_

Toolie ½ lb tea_




Griffin ½ lb tobacco.

James ½ lb tobacco.

Muldoon 50 lbs flour.

Do_ 6 bush: oats

Do_ Cash 5/-

Do_ ½ lb tea.


Tayler 2 bush: oats
& 20 lbs flour__


Rob t 11 f t @ 6/-

24 f t @ 5/-

83 f t @ 3/-

Berry 600 f t @ 4/-

678 f t @ 3/-


Tayler 2 bush: oats.


Toolie ½ lb tobacco.


P d Aucherd for

2 new shoes &
2 removes Doll 3/6
laying plough point 2/6






George 50 lbs flour.


James 50 lbs do__