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6 bush ls .. oats

to horses__

Sowed 1 bushl..

more peas in 16

Acre_field makes

in all 9 bushls..__





Boucher cow

of a heifer






5 gl s .. beer__

Sowed 11 bush ls ..

oats in

12 Acre_field_








6 bush ls .. oats

to Horses__


2 bush ls .. to



No 18 a lamb.







Cut Old Sow's

little pigs__

3 hogs.

3 sows .


1 sow to Fred

5 left.




Put on road_

1 three year old heifer

1 do_ .. .. steer.

1 two .. .. do_


George for rations

1 lb tea

30 lbs pork ;

at Bate's

10 lbs Japan tea @ 3/1½

20.. .. .. @ 6 ½

10 .. .. .. @ 7 d ..

10.. Crushed A @ 8 d ..


3 ¼ yds cloth @ 5/_

1 ½ ..W..flannel @ 2/9.

A straw hat Ratio 4/6_

Sundries as act.. 18/10 _

at Cunningham's

12 yds for Bessy @ 10.._

7 .. strip d .. start g .. 1/3

at Jenning's

¼ lb carrot seed @ 3/6.





James for rations.

30 lbs pork

1 lb tea_




14 kills of cups

adjoining the

Peach Blossoms -



Cut the lambs.

2 rams-

8 wethers- 16

6 ewes-


Doll foaled a filly-


5 bush oats Horses.

MAY 1864.

21.Saturday. James saw till dinner, plant tatoes till 5 o 'C, then

sow again; Muldoon about horses in morn.., finish

harrow peas in West_field & in 16 Acre-field by dinner,

then plough in Old Pigfield No.. side; Tooly about horses in

morn.., open drill till dinner, plough in 12 Acre-field;

Griffin at sundries in morn.., sow some peas, cut a

load hay to Horses, plant tatoesl; Hogan at sundries in

morn.., pick up stone, for a start, plant tatoes; George

about cows &e, kill 2 roasters, finish plant comb, sow

9 row more peas & about sundries___


22Sunday. Church A.M.

23Monday. James saw in morn.., harrow oats till dinner, turn

some tatoes, plough in Old Pigfield; Tooly about

horses in morn.., finish plough in 12 Acre-field about 10 o 'C,

finish open drills in grass about 4 o 'C, then plough more

land for tatoes; Griffin about horses in morn.., sow oats till

dinner, plant tatoes, Hogan at sundries in morn..,

plant tatoes; George about cows &e, boil a pot tatoes &

mix 'em , plant a bed caulie flowers & about sundries___

Self to Rob ts .. & Berry 's till dinner, then about a few jobs__

24Tuesday. James saw in morn.., finish plough No. side Old

Pigfield about 11 o 'C, cut tatoes till dinner, help

finish plough for tatoes; Tooly about horses in morn..,

do_ do_ do_ in 16 Acre_field, Griffin at

sundries in morn.., draw 4 logs from river to sawmill

& cut tatoes till dinner, then plant 'em; Hogan at

same work; George about cows &e, at sundries & help

in Gristmill till dinner, plant another bed caulie flowers

& about sundries in garden_____ Self


25Wednesday. James saw in morn.., harrow tatoe land & cut

tatoes till dinner, then x-harrow oats & clover seed_

Tooly about horses in morn.., plough in 16 Acre_field__

Griffin saw g .. clover till

Hogan about horses & sundries in morn.., cut tatoes &

unload the hay; George about cows &e, kill a roaster, sow

some beans, cut tatoes,

Self at sundries in morn.., to Bessborough with oxen

for hay till 11 o 'C, then about sundries_______

26Thursday. James about horses in morn.., plough in 16 Acre_field;

Tooly at home; Griffin at sundries in morn..,

to Bessborough for a boat, then a-x the river for a pig

& back by dinner, then to the wharf with the boat &

got drunk when he got back; Hogan cut g .. tatoes;

George about cows &e,

Self & Mary to Ottawa via Aylmer

27Friday. James about horses & saw in morn.., plough in

16 Acre_field, Tooly at home; Griffin no work;

Hogan at sundries in morn.., plant tatoes;

George about cows &e, kill a roaster, cut

tatoes & about sundries_____

28Saturday. James about horses & sow in morn.., plough

in 16 Acre_field for oats till near 10 o 'C, then

open drills for tatoes; Tooly at home; Griffin

help about horses in morn.., to the wharf with

the boat for the luggage & down again with ox__

_cart for park till near noon , plant tatoes;

Hogan plant g .. tatoes; George about cows &e,

kill a roaster, dig g .. the 1 st .. path & about sundries__

Self & Mary back by the Boat,

29Sunday. Church P.M. wet evening___


30Monday. James about horses & saw in morn.., plough in

16 Acre field; Tooly at home; Griffin help about

horses & cut tatoes in morn.., plant tatoes, Hogan

not here till noon , plant tatoes; George about cows

&e, kill the $1 pig, boil a pot do, & mix 'em by dinner,

help with tatoes in field___ Self look about till

dinner, then plant tatoes______

31Tuesday. James about horses & saw in morn.., plough

in Creek_field S o .. side; Tooly at home; Griffin

help cut lambs in morn.., cut tatoes till dinner, help

repair Church_field fence till near 4o'C, plant tatoes_

Hogan cut tatoes till dinner, then repair fence &

plant tatoes; George about cows &e, cut tatoes

till dinner &e until near 4 o 'c, then plant till 6 o 'C,____

Self cut lambd in morn, at sundries till dinner, repair fence, plant tatoes___

Alice 11/_ paid









Tooly 12/6

& 1 lb tea_

Fred Baskin

606 ft.. of sawing @ 2/_ is








A plough point

of Rob t .. P d .. for it.








George 50 lbs flour.

& 1 bush l .. Snows.


James 1 bush.. do_

Do_ 50 lbs flour


3 bush.. corn of

Fred Baskin @3/





½ ton hay of A.L. Smith

$6_.. paid for on

Monday the 30 th ..__




Tooly 9 lbs pork.

& Cash 10/_

5/_ to Moore for a pig_

Exp d .. in Ottawa ..

F.G. Crosby as act.. 2..6..9

Jenning's tooth brent _.._..6

A pr.. hid boats at Crosby _..10..7½


Duke's a straw hat . _..4..4½

Durie's 2 sheets drawg.. paper ..1..3


Lawrence & Co a pr.. copper toes .. _..4..6


Do_ .. .. .. .. _..4..3

Offor delastic do_ do_ _..5.._

1 chimney 1/9 & one @ 1/3.._..3.._

at Lamb 2 lbs cheese ._..1..4


Steamer out & home 2/6. for pork &e 3/ 7.._..6..1½

by cheque £ 4..7..8½

Muldoon $38_15.


Miss Butler 12 yds.. muslin @ 10 d ..

1 .. ribbon @ 6.

A pr.. silk gloves 2/3.


James 12/2 & 2 lbs sugar @ 5 ½ .

Griffin 7 yds shirt g .. @ 1/3_


George ½ lb tobacco @ 1/6.

Do_ Cash 15/11


Hogan £3..1..9


A.L. Smith 2 cheques.

one for _ _ _$36_66

the other for . 10_..

& in notes .. 5_..

$ 51_66


J.H. Pinhey 400 ft.. @ 4/_





Lt r . from Ham prep d ..


lent Fred 14 lbs

corn includ g ..

the hay__