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James for rations.

60 lbs flour

George for rations.

60 lbs flour



Cut 2 nd .. sow's

pigs. 4 of 'em__


Sowed 11 bush ls .. oats

So end of 16 Acre_field_

& 2 more on the 7 th ..__



3 bush.. oats Horses




Sowed 5 bush..

B lk .. Sea in Creek__

_field S o side do.








Put 6 new hams

into lime & 5 old

ones on top___





Sheep sho


5 gls beer.





2 bush.. oats




6 bush.. oats Horses.


Sowed 6 bush l ..

oats below the







Took little pigs

off the sows






On the 13 th .. rec d ..

of James A'Hearn

£2..10..9½ Thus_

Bal ce .. & into on 1 st .. note_ 8/_

2 nd .. note. 35/_

13 ½ months into on it.. 5/_

& what Mick owed me 2/9 ½
















¼ lb turnip seed





¼ lb turnip seed by

Ham Edwards__



$50_75 of Almonte man

for 145 lbs wool @ 1/9_

JUNE 1864.

1.Wednesday. James about horses in morn.. plough in Creekfield;

Tooly came about 11 o 'C, cut tatoes & harrow

N. Side Old Pigfield, Griffin & Hogan cut tatoes in morn.., then plant;

George about cows &e, kill a roaster, cut tatoes & about sundries___

2Thursday. James saw in morn.., finish plough S o side Creekfield

about 5 o 'C, then drill for carrots, Tooly about horses in morn..,

harrow oats in S o end of 16 Acre_field; Griffin at sundries in morn..,

soar oats till dinner, finish plant tatoes about 4 o 'C, pick up

stones in Woodfield, Hogan wheel dung from pig_yard to

end of Gran.. stable in morn.., cut plant tatoes till 4 o 'C,

then pick up stones, George about cow & e, down to Berry 's twice

boil a pot tatoes, clean up cellar from tatoe cutting & snag Rusties__

3Friday. James saw in morn.., open drills for news tatoes by about 10 o 'C,

then plough in 16 Acre field; Tooly about horses in morn.., finish

harrow oats So end do_ do_ soon after after breakfast, then harrow what

So side Creekfield; Griffin help about horses in morn.., saw wheat &

help at carrot, Hogan sundries in morn.., shovel up head_lands do

&e for do_ tell about 6 o 'C, then pick up stones; George about

cows &e, to Berry 's about meat, then at sundries & snag tatoes___

4Saturday. James plough g .. his tatoes till dinner, then plough

George's; Tooly about horses in morn.., plough in 16 Acre_

_field; Griffin & Hogan repair g .. down; George about

cows &e, twice to Berry 's after piece of beef, snag

tatoes & about sundries___ Self repair g .. dam____

5Sunday. Church A.M. Self took Kate to Berry 's in even g ..__

6Monday. James saw in morn.., harrow tatoes till 11o'C, to the

Brewery with horse_cart till 1 ½ o 'C, draw some sawed lumber

away from mill & draw some oak log it, plough some drill for

in Old Pigfield, Tooly about horses in morn.., finish

plough in 16 Acre_field by 11 o 'C, ride lofts till dinner,

level some drills left from snows tatoes, then pick stones;

Griffin shear sheep; Hogan at sundries in morn..,

shag tatoes till 2 o 'C, help level the drills, pick stones;

George about cows &e, at work in garden & at end on Griffin___

7Thursday. James saw & help repair some of S o line fence

till dinner, saw again & fix up drills for turnips;

Tooly about horses in morn.., finish harrow g .. in oats

Griffin sundries in morn.., saw oats till noon , help

at fence, pick up stones; Hogan at sundries in morn..,

at do, & do_ do_ do, George about cows, at various

works in garden & boil a pot of tatoes for pigs____

Ham & Alex Christie off for steamer to day___

8Wednesday. James pile boards in morn.., flatter drills for

turnips & at sundries till dinner, then bridge

drain into Woodfield, Tooly & Hogan pick stones

till dinner, then cart 'em away, Griffin at Armitage's

George about cows &e, at work in garden_____

9Thursday. James saw & pile lumber till dinner,

repair fence viz_a_viz George's house;

Tooly & Hogan at sundries & grind axes

till dinner, shovel earth from edge of drain on

to the road & cart stones in Woodfield; Griffin

draw wood for George from river in morn.., wash

horse covers & pile lumber till dinner, then repair

fence, George about cows &e, saw wood & at sundries___

10Friday. James pile boards in morn.., help in Gristmill

till near 4o'C, at do_ again; Tooly & Hogan shovel

up drain at head of Creekfield in morn.., cart stones

in Woodfield; Griffin pile lumber in morn.., pick

stones in do_; George about cows &e, to woods for

pea_rods & at sundries in garden______

11Saturday. James pile lumber, repair lane fence & about

sundries; Tooly & Hogan shovel earth from edge

of drain on to road, Griffin draw a load poles to

lane fence in morn.., help repair it, draw two flatted

logs from river to mill, & two loads drift wood to

George's,_____ George at sundries in morn.., then home till even g ..

12Sunday. Church P.M.

13Monday. James saw & cart earth to dam; Tooly & Hogan

about sundries in morn.., shovel earth off edge

of drain on to road; Griffin not here; George at

sundries in morn.., boil a pot of tatoes & work in garden

14Tuesday. James pile lumber in morn.., saw turnips till near grass

3 o 'C, fine stump heaps & carry water to save fence;

Tooly shovel earth on to road, help save fence; Hogan

help pile lumber in morn.., shovel earth on to road;

Griffin not here; George about cows &e, at work in garden___

Self to Streets on horse_back in morn..

Griffin ½ lb tobacco___








L tr .. to M c 'Lean


p d ..__







M rs .. Berry

455 f t .. of

sawing @ 2/_


& 253f t .. @4/_





Tooly ½ lb tobacco_

100 lbs flour

17 lbs pork.

& a little pig.

& a little pig_.



11 lbs beef from

Aylmer for

M r .. Berry__





¼ lb turnip

seed from Rob t ..





James ½ lb tobacco.






Rob t .. 7 Bl k .. Sea








3/ 1 ½ of Griffin


Miss Butler $14.





George 100 lbs flour.




James 5/__

& 100 lbs flour.





Griffin 10/_ & he

I got his 3/ 1 ½ -


Lt r .. from Cunningham

past paid__

8 ½ d .. of T. Baskin

for ¼ lb tea_

7 ½ d .. of T.Tunny

for the board

George ½ lb tea.

Hogan ½ tobacco.



Grass wt.. of 18 fleeces 136

take off a ¼ 34



Mrs.. of pulled include_

_ing an old fleece 44 lbs

James 4 ½ lbs wool @ 1/9


Pd.. him the $2 he advanced Show Fair_