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Book d ..

at Jennings & Co

½ lb licorice 1/_






borrow d of

M r Read

½ bush.. salt_




6 bush ls

oats to Horses

from Gran..,




Sowed on S o side,

Old Pigfield

8 bush s oats__














lame Fanny

with the bull
















Cut the


8 wethers

7 rams

11 ewes.



Hams into lime,

too late__































James 1lb tea

for rate ons.


Lay 1lb tobacco__



MAY 1858.


25.Tuesday. James plant g.. tatoes, Muldoon about horses

in morn.., plough S o side of Old Pigfield,

Tayler & Griffin cut & plant tatoes, George to

Ottawa with J. Pinhey___ Self returned with Geroge__

26.Wednesday. James cut tatoes in morn.. plant till dinner,

then lift off soap, remove presses & plant

his own tatoes, Muldoon about horses & cut tatoes

in morn.., plough in Old Pigfield, Tayler & Griffin

cut tatoes & finish plant tatoes ___ George about

house, saw wood & at sundries___ Self look about___

27Thursday. James work sawmill, repair flume & about

sundries, Muldoon about horses in morn..,

plough in Old Pigfield till dinner, then harrow oats,

Tayler sundries in morn, finish plough in Old

Pigfield about 4 o 'C, harrow horses a start while

Muldoon finished sow g _ oats, then pile boards,

Griffin at sundries & sow oats till 3 o 'C, then

off by Steamer,____Ellen with him___

George plant g .. his tatoes___

28Friday. James saw in morn.., cart a load hay to horse-loft,

& a small load oat_straw to Cow_loft, saw till

dinner, repair g slash fence till 5½ o 'C. saw again,

Muldoon about horses & sundries in morn.., finish

harrow oats about 10 o 'C, then at sundries, Tayler

at sundries in morn.., help repair sash fence &e__

Griffin not here, George not here____ Self look

about things, went to James Young's in even g ..____

29Saturday. James saw till dinner, then drive down the

pickles of little Pigfield fence & pin to the log,

Muldoon about sundries, Tayler at home,

Griffin not here, George about house, hoe

some paths in garden & at sundries_____

Self look about things & to Tom Allen's on Toll

till dinner, then to the forge & M r Butler's____

30Sunday. Church A.M. John Pinhey came by Merriefeilds

yesterday even g.. __

31Monday. James work Sawmill & about house,

Muldoon not here, Tayler at home, Griffin

at home, George to Ottawa with J. Pinhey___

Self refill ash barred, & about sundry jobs___

JUNE 1858.

1Tuesday. James help cut lambs in morn.., saw till dinner, help

ring little pigs, to M r Reads with horse cart for b l

of ashes, saw again, Muldoon saw wood in morn..,

clear away brush &e at wood side of new chopping

to make drain, Tayler at home, Griffin not here___

George about house, hoe paths & weed in garden___

Self cut lambs in morn.., to John Streets with Toll,

ring little pigs, put hams in lime & about sundries___

2Wednesday. James & horses plough for Fired, Muldoon clear

make a drain, Tayler at home, Griffin at home,

George about sundries till dinner, help Self at

bars on old hill_road & make another trough for

ducks by dinner, take cook g .. stove all apart &

put in new bottom plate to the oven_____

3Thursday. James prepare place for wash g .. sheep & at sundries

in morn.., wash sheep & saw till dinner, take

tatoes in boat to Rob ts wash & saw again, Muldoon

out back, Tayler sundries in [motre], help wash

sheep, at sundries & measure up tatoes till dinner,

help take the tatoes to steamboat, then a lean up drain &

above Muldoon's, Griffin at home, George about repair g ..

house & sundries, work in the garden____

Self about sundries till dinner, to Aylmer by Steamer &

returned with Durrough in Rob ts boat____

4Friday. James draw some of M r Read's logs to Mill in morn..,

harrow tatoes by dinner, then draw wood for Geroge ,

Muldoon turn tatoes in morn.., then clear up creek_

from brush&e, Tayler help in with logs to Mill in morn..,

then help at creek, Griffin not here, George sundries__

5Saturday. James saw & about sundries, Muldoon, Tayler

clean up creek & began draw about 5 o 'C. Griffin not

here, George sundries till 9 o 'C. then with buggy for John__

Lay make hen coupe & put new back to chest of draw g .

Self about sundries & picket off drain close to woods.



Self check on bank

for £10.._.._.


Exp d in Ottawa .

O'Meara 4 yds tweed 26/6_1..6..

Brought a shoe brush_ _..10½

Toll . . ._.._..5½




James 2 bush l .. snows.

George ½ bush l .. Ruskies.

Griffin 10/_

Ellen 10/_ & 5/_for

Biddy_p d their

passage 2/6_

M r Shuter 2 little pigs

11/3 Griffin had it__


James 30 lbs pork

for rations.

















Tayler 6 bush Snows.

H.Bradley 4 removes

on Spring p d 1/9 &

3 d the last time is 2/_








Con's girl p d for

the boots & bought the

other day 7/6_


George 60 lbs flour

for last noonth's


M c Mae here to day

& yesterday__





borrow d 1 heaped tin

dish salt Con..


Tayler 1 bush snows

& 1 lb tobacco__

Muldoon 1lb tobacco.


Biddy 3/_




Capt.. Cumming

16 bush ls snows__

Exp d in Aylmer_

Lindsay as act.._..13.._

for 1 new axe.

& 1 jumped &

repair g 1 drill

Emerald 1/3

Rob t return d the £10._._

lent him 2 months ago__

George 30lbs pork &

60lbs flour__ration.


George 1lb tobacco_

Henny Street_

510 ft. inch boards.

300ft 2 inch pl k .


James 1lb tobacco